Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Healing Patrick's stomach issues

After speaking with one of Patrick's doctors, Scott Smith, last week; Patrick got a couple of new prescriptions to help with our ongoing battle with the yeast and bacteria in his stomach. We luckily have been doing Oat urine tests every month or so. This alone has helped us to monitor what has been going on inside him.

Bless his heart is all I can say. We started out battling some major bacteria. As Scott gave him a round of vancomycin, liquid septra, and diflucan it really helped to fight off the bacteria. His behavior was terrible before we treated the bacteria, and also during the die off. We did a follow up OAT which showed the bacteria was back in balance, also that his probiotics were now in balance. However, his yeast which should have been around 40 ended up being around 660. This is off the graph.

Scott prescribed him another round of septra along with keto for the yeast. This is working great because I think he had developed somewhat of a tolerance to the Diflucan. After about two days we could already see a difference.

We are trying to make sure that his stomach is balanced before we do the stem cell treatment. We are going to do another OAT test in about two weeks. Patrick has an IVIG treatment this Thursday with his Dr. in Nashville. This will be the last one he has before the stem cells on May 10.

The great news is that just from the new meds to fight the yeast he is acting SO MUCH BETTER. We had a great weekend. Patrick started using some really good, spontaneous language on Friday. It has been so wonderful. I am adding a few pics on here of him painting with his brothers and sister last night. He probably did the best job of all four of them and even made the less mess! It was so nice to see him being so typical and enjoying himself with his siblings.

I sent his supplement list and the short list of any meds he is on to the Stem Cell Clinic last night. Luckily he is able to keep taking everything in the weeks leading up to the trip. He is so excited , he keeps "reminding" me that we are "going on vacation" to "Costa Rica." He is very interested in the "airport," "beach," and "swimming pool."

Thank you all for the prayers!!!

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