Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bring on the New Year

I always love the start of a New Year....not the dreary, depressing, cold days of January but the hope that a new year always brings. Although it is cold and snowy as I sit here and look out my window, I cannot help but feel more hope as 2011 starts than I have in many years.

Sometimes "Conquering" our lives is as easy as having that hope. We read about "faith the size of a mustard seed" in the Bible and know that it doesn't take much faith or hope to transport our thinking to a better level. I know that many parents especially who are out there reading this have days...and even months or years, where hope has felt like it picked up and packed a bag. I felt like my hope was living in a foreign country and possibly not getting back to the US for quite awhile. :)

My hope for all parents....and especially my dear autism friends this year......is that everyone can see a renewed vision for their lives.

I lost hope in a 14 year marriage in 2010......but I gained faith in myself.

I lost hope in the media ever getting any decent coverage out that is truthful regarding vaccines and autism....but I gained peace in knowing as a parent I am doing the right things for my child.

I lost hope in some ex family members in 2010.....but I gained a strong network of people who would go above and beyond anything to help the kids and I in any way possible, at any time.

I sometimes lost hope in the world ever straightening out.....but gained hope that I could still as a parent have the power to effect my children in a positive way even with the negative influences of the world at large.

The Halvorson's have been thrilled to start out 2011 with some new firm rules of the household, mainly concerning a good bed time schedule and everyone sleeping in their own rooms....with minimal argument. I wanted to say "no" argument but decided to be truthful. HA HA. It is amazing what a few basic rules can do for every ones demeanor.

Hopefully this will be a nice basic little start for us to build on and keep things running very smoothly. Patrick is doing good and I am thinking about going back for a second round of stem cells soon. We have all been sick so that has been a little speed bump but today for the first time I think we are all pulling out of it. We have started another good home school semester with everyone on track or a grade ahead. Rose is in 4 th, Packy and Bob are both in 2nd and Joe is in half K/half 1st. They keep me busy! I am so blessed to have them.

Have a wonderful start of 2011!!!